Digital Art

Mixed Media Montage-Digital Photography/Painting/Design


Forging and forming tools, jewellery and weapons out of various metals


Portrait, Studio, Sports, Environmental, Landscape & Travel


Not Pottery Barn

Red Rocks Country

This represents the Spirit and Heart of all Red Rocks Parks.


Tim JohnsonPsycho/cerama/tists can be defined as mindfully twisted Folk of Mud, Metal and Flame. Their special attentions paid to details working, walking and understanding good old Mudder Earth utilizing custom made tools. No telling if they are professional crack pots through continued higher education or just naturally “Loco en el Coco”? Leading art critics tell them that it is nuts to be working in five disciplines’ when one should have just “one” passion they specialize in. To this they reply, “Go Nuts!” Psychoceramatists feels Art is not a mold of society; moreover, a hammer to break it. Casting and transforming precious Love surrounding Natural Forms and Space echo natures’ edgy way for all their art, jewelry, pottery, photography, sculpture, digital and metalsmith work. Living on “the edge…if you are not on the edge you are taking up to much space”. Most of all Psychoceramatists believe that any attempt to describe them could be true or false when writing a definition in the ‘third person plural’. T. Quaintance Johnson   “Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.” Groucho Marx        

What we do.

Digital Photography
Low Fire/High Fire Ceramics both Functional and Non-functional.
Custom Hand Wroght and Cast Work of Damascus - Mokume Gane - Silver and other semiprecious metals and objects.
Environmental and Interior Designed Work - In Steel, Ceramic & Bronze
Custom Conservation & Museum Picture Framing for Artists (wholesale)
Digital Art
Digital Art
"Digital Art" ~ is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process